Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Other Fall Happenings

This fall has been a very busy one with all the moving and getting things settled in our house, but we are loving it! Of course the most exciting things to get settled are Skye's things into her room, I love to just go in there and sit and look at all her cute stuff! I am getting very very anxious for her to be here! I have my 30 week appointment today, and am on a 2 week schedule now. Scott and I will be beginning prenatal classes this month, and I just took my glucose test which came back within the normal limits. So everything seems to be going very well! She is moving around like crazy now and I love the feeling of her kicking, except when it keeps me up for a large portion of the night! 

A few weekends ago Heather, Zac and Ty were our first official houseguests. We don't have the spare bedroom done yet in the basement, so they had to settle for the trusty air mattress! It was so much fun having them come visit, of course Scott and Zac spent most of their time in the "gaming room". Ty loved driving his boom booms all over the kitchen, and much to my pleasure, did not even attempt to play with the oven that had no door and was extremely grimey and yucky (It has since been replaced with a much nicer version) It is always a fun time when we get to see the Lewises!

Last weekend Heather threw a baby shower for me and Skye in fergus and it was so much fun, thanks again to everyone who came and everyone that helped with the shower. Heather is definitely the master party planner, it was great food, great company, great games and great gifts :) Scott had fun going through all of Skye's new goodies when I got home on Sunday and he said to tell everyone thanks as well! We are lucky to have so many amazing people in our lives!

It will continue to be busy for us with hunting season here, women of faith conference, two more baby showers, holidays and before we know it our little Skye will be here and we will wonder where in the world that nine months went! Love to all!Go Vikes!Ty Guy!YAY for being done with Kindercare...Scott and Donna bought me an ice cream cake from dairy queen to celebrate the occasion!


Kay Borowski said...

Love the pictures and it's fun to read your updates. Scott looks as comfortable with baby Skye in his hands as he did holding a basketball! Such special days of waiting and anticipation. The shower was a special time for sure.