Well it has been a long time again, and as many people have reminded me...I am a horrible blogger! I lost my camera cord somehow in the moving process so these pictures have just been sitting on my camera for quite some time now! Taking Heather's advice I went out and got a universal card reader so I can finally share all these pictures with you all!I took a lot of before and after pictures so you can kind of see the changes we made, but believe me the pictures do not show the nasty scuzziness embedded in this house before we got to cleaning and painting, I really doubt the former tenants ever had cleaned the cabinets or blinds...they were GROSS!!
At the present time it is not allowing me to move any text or pictures around because my computer is acting extremely weird so some of the are out of order, but I am sure you will get which ones are before and after!

Yeah.....I had been waiting for these pictures. Thanks for posting them. (I hope we didn't lay the guilt trip on too thick this past weekend!)
Your house looks great. You are a great decorator/designer!
Thanks! Oh no...it is true I am a HORRIBLE blogger! We have had a lot of fun decorating and getting stuff settled! Now onto the basement, that is a much bigger job!
Wow, your house really is looking nice and "lived in" now. You've done a terrific job of making it look like home! (Not to mention giving it a well-needed cleaning.)
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