Well yesterday we had our 32 week appointment, hard to believe how fast the time has flown by so far! I was a little worried because I had been having quite a bit of pelvic pain, but my doctor reassured me that my body is just stretching and getting ready for little miss skye to come into the world!
Everything looked really good at the appointment though, my measurements were right on track with how far along I am and she did a pelvic exam and confirmed that Skye is head down so we were happy to hear that as my worst fear is having a C-section... not to say that eliminates the chance of having to have one...but were still happy to hear she is in a good position. Her heart beat was at 162 and she was moving around for the appointment a lot, I am starting to get kicks to the ribs now especially when I am trying to go to bed, she always is wide awake when I am trying to go to sleep! But I love feeling her move around, even if some movements are quite uncomfortable to me!
Last weekend was women of Faith Conference and it was such an amazing time! I was very excited that this year my mother in law donna could join us, we had such a blast and the speakers were amazing as always. Next year we are hoping to have even a bigger group with the Brekke/Heimdal/Borowski women! Scott also took advantage of the weekend and went up bow hunting. They got stuff set up and were happy to see a few deer sniffing around! Hopefully this will be a lucky year for them!
I had a second baby shower Saturday after women of faith at Aunt Pam's and it was so much fun. A lot of people showed up to celebrate with us and it was a great end to an amazing weekend. Of course, Skye made out again with a lot of great gifts! She sure is a lucky girl and to think there is still one more baby shower left, yikes!!!! Thanks to everyone who is there sharing in our joy with us, although I love being pregnant I can't be more excited to hold my little girl!