Skye Marie made her grand entrance into the world on Dec 22nd at 1:53 am! She weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz and 22 inches long! I will probably post tomorrow letting everyone know how things went, right now my baby is hungry and this mama needs some sleep, besides we all know what you guys really want is the pictures ;) so here is our precious little angel, it is amazing how much we love her already!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 10:53 PM 4 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
So for those of you who haven't heard the news, no baby yet! She is officially past her due date and her mommy and daddy are officially antsy as can be to meet her! I met with my doctor on Monday and because of my measurements and the fact that everything seems to be pretty right on for her due date she thought we should set a time to induce if she doesn't come on her own to avoid the risk of her getting too big and having to have a C-section.
So unless Skye gets her little tushy into gear, I will be going into the hospital Sunday night at 5 to start getting some meds to get me ready for labor and then Monday morning they will start the meds to induce labor. I will be at the hospital overnight sunday as well. I am still hoping and praying she comes on her own the next few days to avoid inducing, but either way our little girl will be here in a few days and we can't be any happier about that! Keep the prayers coming and I will try my best to keep everyone updated! Hopefully the next blog will be to announce the arrival of our little sweetie!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Waiting for Ms. Skye
Scott and I have been pretty antsy waiting for little Ms. Skye to make her grand entrance so we have been coming up with some fun activities such as dominoes...somehow we just can't seem to get her out of our mind though! We are very excited and can't wait to meet her! On her due date we were driving and there was the most beautiful pink sunset, we were hoping that was maybe a sign, but no such luck :( It was beautiful anyways though, so here are a few pictures!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Catching up!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
38 weeks!!
Just a quick update...yesterday Scott and I went in for my 38 week check-up as well as the concern that I had been having what felt like muenstral cramps all day. My doctor got pretty excited at that because I have also been having mild contractions that are quite sporadic, but starting to get them a lot more often. So she did a check and I am just dilated to one, but she thinks I am showing signs of early labor so hopefully our little girl will be here soon. She basically said the same thing she has been saying, I could see you back here later tonight or I could see you next week for your 39 week check-up. Either way- our baby girl will be here this month!!!! YAY!!!
We also did a tour of the labor and delivery unit at the hospital and I was so surprised. It is AWESOME! I told Scott it felt a little bit like a spa instead of a hospital, I guess I had watched too many baby stories with white walls and small cube rooms! These came with very cute decorating, couches that pull out in both the delivery and recovery rooms as well as cute furniture for other people who may be there. They also had flat screen tv's and huge bathtubs that look like I could swim a few laps! For those of you who will be planning to visit I must tell you their rules for visitors, no more than 4 people can visit at one time. This has been enforced strongly because of the h1n1 going around I guess. So if planning to visit just let us know and we will try and make sure that we can get some type of schedule worked out!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 7:34 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
37 weeks!
Hi everyone, well some word probably has gotten around and I know some of you have been waiting to hear the this morning scott and I headed up to the Brekkes to pick up their trailer with a load of dirt to do some landscaping around our house before snow comes. We got a pretty good load, only about half the trailer and started back for home...we made it about 5 miles and all of a sudden the trailer started fish-tailing. Scott tried to slow down a little bit (we were only going about 50mph) and it got even worse, next thing we know the trailer had whipped us around and we were facing the opposite direction facing oncoming cars. We were very lucky there were no cars in the other lane or directly behind us when it happened or it could have been pretty bad.
Luckily Scott is very calm in those situations so he was able to hand it good and keep us from rolling the truck. On the unfortunate side it ended with the trailer Jack-Knifing and putting a pretty good dent right over the gas tank which Scott and my Dad had just done work on a few months ago. Hopefully it is drivable and we will just worry about the body work later.
God was protecting us and our little Skye! Just wanted to let everyone know we are ok though since I know it is easy to get bits and peices of a story. I also had my 37 week appointment this evening and she is perfect! Heart beat and size is great :) I also had some contractions yesterday...very sporadic but still a good sign I guess! Keep us in your prayers-love you all!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 6:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
36 Weeks 2 days and counting!
I had my 36 week appointment on Tuesday and everything looked very good still, it seems we have a very healthy, active little girl and are so pleased everything is going so well. Of course I am beginning to get to that stage where it is hard to move around and I can't sleep, but luckily I have a very sweet husband that does all he can to try and keep me as comfortable as possible.
Skye had a baby shower at our home this past Saturday with the Brekke and Fischer sides. It was so much fun...Donna, Heather and Jen put a ton of work into it and it turned out great! Thanks to everyone for all the great gifts and company! Now that all the excitement of baby showers is over, we are just counting down the days until she is here :)
I will have pictures from the shower up later...for now I will just post pictures my friend Abbey took for us!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Busy Week!

This week Scott is in Bemidji with a big work load, 11 tubs in 6 in days at the Best Western. So Me and Donna decided with the Brekke men out of town we would take the opportunity to do a lot of work in the basement, we are taking on painting the whole basement throughout this week! We have Scott's game room all done, which I am sure he will be very sad to see that it is now navy blue and grey rather than a pretty pink like it has been since we moved in! We also have all the ceilings done and the accent walls in the spare bedroom and living room done, only have one color to go! WOO HOO!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
32 Week Appointment
Well yesterday we had our 32 week appointment, hard to believe how fast the time has flown by so far! I was a little worried because I had been having quite a bit of pelvic pain, but my doctor reassured me that my body is just stretching and getting ready for little miss skye to come into the world!
Everything looked really good at the appointment though, my measurements were right on track with how far along I am and she did a pelvic exam and confirmed that Skye is head down so we were happy to hear that as my worst fear is having a C-section... not to say that eliminates the chance of having to have one...but were still happy to hear she is in a good position. Her heart beat was at 162 and she was moving around for the appointment a lot, I am starting to get kicks to the ribs now especially when I am trying to go to bed, she always is wide awake when I am trying to go to sleep! But I love feeling her move around, even if some movements are quite uncomfortable to me!
Last weekend was women of Faith Conference and it was such an amazing time! I was very excited that this year my mother in law donna could join us, we had such a blast and the speakers were amazing as always. Next year we are hoping to have even a bigger group with the Brekke/Heimdal/Borowski women! Scott also took advantage of the weekend and went up bow hunting. They got stuff set up and were happy to see a few deer sniffing around! Hopefully this will be a lucky year for them!
I had a second baby shower Saturday after women of faith at Aunt Pam's and it was so much fun. A lot of people showed up to celebrate with us and it was a great end to an amazing weekend. Of course, Skye made out again with a lot of great gifts! She sure is a lucky girl and to think there is still one more baby shower left, yikes!!!! Thanks to everyone who is there sharing in our joy with us, although I love being pregnant I can't be more excited to hold my little girl!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 10:03 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Other Fall Happenings
A few weekends ago Heather, Zac and Ty were our first official houseguests. We don't have the spare bedroom done yet in the basement, so they had to settle for the trusty air mattress! It was so much fun having them come visit, of course Scott and Zac spent most of their time in the "gaming room". Ty loved driving his boom booms all over the kitchen, and much to my pleasure, did not even attempt to play with the oven that had no door and was extremely grimey and yucky (It has since been replaced with a much nicer version) It is always a fun time when we get to see the Lewises!
It will continue to be busy for us with hunting season here, women of faith conference, two more baby showers, holidays and before we know it our little Skye will be here and we will wonder where in the world that nine months went! Love to all!Go Vikes!
Ty Guy!
YAY for being done with Kindercare...Scott and Donna bought me an ice cream cake from dairy queen to celebrate the occasion!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 8:27 AM 1 comments
Well it has been a long time again, and as many people have reminded me...I am a horrible blogger! I lost my camera cord somehow in the moving process so these pictures have just been sitting on my camera for quite some time now! Taking Heather's advice I went out and got a universal card reader so I can finally share all these pictures with you all!I took a lot of before and after pictures so you can kind of see the changes we made, but believe me the pictures do not show the nasty scuzziness embedded in this house before we got to cleaning and painting, I really doubt the former tenants ever had cleaned the cabinets or blinds...they were GROSS!!
At the present time it is not allowing me to move any text or pictures around because my computer is acting extremely weird so some of the are out of order, but I am sure you will get which ones are before and after!

Posted by Scott and Kayla at 7:50 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
24 week appointment
I had my 24 week appointment today, and everything came back great! Our little baby girl has a very strong heart beat at 150 beats per minute and my measurements were right on with where they should be. She will be here before we know it and I CAN'T wait to meet her :)
I also got the flu shot at this visit, which my arm is not thanking me for. It was good to get it out of the way, especially with all the germies hanging around work!
Well keep us in your prayers the next few days as we close on our home :) I have come to the decision that underwriters have kind of sad little lives. After going a week thinking we had been approved by underwriting they called today to let us know that we ARE approved but there is one contingency...they don't accept my reason for moving to north branch which is a ways from my work. The reason I had given was that the home prices were more affordable, thinking hhhhmmm how would they dispute that? Apparently that is not a good enough reason. They are fine with our finances, fine with income, fine with everything and apparently just want to make us wiggle until the last second. So after submitting a more acceptable reason for moving to north branch from eagan, they let me know they should hear something late tomorrow-----good thing since we close on the house first thing in the morning on friday!
My lender let me know there should be no problems, but we are sitting here squirming until we get the keys in our hands!
Love to all from Scott, Kayla and Skye!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 8:27 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So, life has been crazy and unfortunately I have not been good about posting about the happenings this summer. It has flown by so fast, and I can't believe that soon it will be fall and all the kids will be back in school-what?
We have had a pretty jam packed summer and have had a grand total of one...count it, one weekend home to relax! We have had so much fun though so that makes up for it! We have gotten to see Mr. Ty and Heather and Zac a few times this summer which has been crazy, he is growing so fast! We also went on a camping trip with our bible study to the Taylors Falls area. That was a great time with great friends, we came up with a menu prior to leaving and everyone brought ingredients, I don't think I have ever eaten so well...and definitely not while camping. Our menu ranged from bluberry pancakes slathered in berries and cool whip to hawiian chicken with yummy potatoes, it was a fun time! We also had our friend from high school's wedding to attend. It was gorgeous as was she!
We finally decided on a name for our sweet little girl-- Miss Skye ______ Brekke! We are still toying around with middle names! She is growing a ton, at least I believe she is because I wake up every morning and my belly looks bigger and bigger! She is kicking a lot too now, it is such and amazing feeling.
Well it may be a while until my next blog because next friday we are MOVING INTO OUR HOME!!!!! YAY!!!!! So not sure when we will hook up the internet and when we will have the time, I think we have quite a bit of work ahead of us...job number one...Skye's nursery just because I am way too excited!
Some girlfriends from High School
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 8:52 AM 2 comments