Nov. 2nd was the three year mark of our engagement...Hard to believe it's been that long now! Here's a picture from the day :) Scott, I love you more each day and am so proud to be your wife!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
3 Years Ago....
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Oh My!
I cannot believe it is already november....almost mid-november at that! I have been a bit absentee lately because I have been recovering from mono. It was AWFUL! I am starting to get back in the swing of things now, but still very worn out and tired...all the time! Scott has been hunting now for the past 6 weekends, keeping busy between bow and rifle. They had been seeing quite a few deer bow hunting in the previous weekends, but none large enough and close enough to shoot. They were feeling good about rifle opener... and then came the wind, snow, rain, and cold spell. They didn't even see a deer all weekend and heard very few gun shots, which is not normal for opener where they hunt. He'll be going up this weekend, so pray for better weather! I have been getting to spend some time with family when he's been gone! The weekend after I got mono I was still very out of it, so I wasn't much fun...but I bunked out up north and visited with the parents! Donna and I found some ok sales at target the day after halloween, but weren't overly impressed and my big purchase was pop rocks 50% off! Had to get them for old time sake! This past weekend Donna came down on Thursday and we had fun shopping and going out to Green Mill (mmmmm)! Friday I went and had movie night with Donna and Heather (and miss lucy the dog:) Saturday was a busy one! Donna and I woke up WAY too early...I think it might have been because we joked with the guys that they had to get up at 4:30 for hunting and that we'd be snug in a warm bed....apparently that plan did not work out! Later my Mom came down to visit me and Rik. She brought us a surprise: LUMPKIN! Lumpkin's real name is Dakota...he is an incredibly sweet baby and we love to steal him any chance we get. Unfortunately he has a tough home life, so we try to give him all the love he can handle! They went home sunday and I had quite the lazy day waiting for my hubby to get home. Gotta love those lazy days! I am hoping to go visit fergus this weekend! So I am sure I will have some new pictures to post next blog!
Posted by Scott and Kayla at 7:22 AM 0 comments