Well this end of winter/beginning of spring has been very busy for us! We had HIT weekend, the family basketball tournament that was a great time as always along with a fun shower for heather and baby T. It was a great weekend with family and lots of basketball! Scott rolled his ankle after a good two minutes of play in the first game but played in all three games saturday like a crazy man! ( I think he paid for that in days to come!) Now we just have next years HIT's to look forward to...maybe even a championship?
We had Rikki's prom the following weekend, we came up for the grand march and got to see some friends as well. She looked absolutely beautiful and sounds like they had a great time. Now she is winding up high school and then there's just Trent left, have fun mom and dad! JUST KIDDING, love you trentie!
As for work, Scott is busy as always and the lord keeps providing work everyday! Jaci and I spend our mondays and wednesdays at storyhours at different libraries. Tuesdays we go to the mall for "toddler tuesdays" where we have met a number of fun characters like care bears, cat in the hat, dora the explorer, mickey mouse, berentstein bears and most recently Lily....but she gets most excited to see "sharky" who is the mascot for underwater world and we see every week. I think I need to just take her to see him, then we wouldn't have to wait in mile long lines for the meet and greets! Today we spend a great day at the park and spent all afternoon playing football in the nice weather!
We are very excited about the big one year anniversary this coming week and are planning a little mini get away to the taylors falls area and plan to go hiking at the state park and just have a relaxing weekend. Hard to believe that just a year ago we were getting all nervous for the wedding! We are so blessed to have each other and all of our great family and friends as our support system! You guys are the great and we appreciate you all so much :)
Rikki and Josh looking good!
Before they left for Grand March
Rik with Mom and Dad
Miss Jaci with Lily at toddler tuesday